• Q
    The application for FA lenses ? 工業鏡頭應用 ?
    The application of lensese is quiet a lot including for industry, outdoor, indoor, military, hunting, monitoring, and so on. 
    We try our best to fulfill the customer's requests only if you are willing to tell us your creation or ideas about idea. 
    工業鏡頭相當廣泛,我司的鏡頭應用包括戶外,戶內,工業上應用,軍用,狩獵 ,監控等等。 只要您提出您的需求,我們樂意提出解決方案以供您參考 ~
  • Q
    About laser positioning? 關於雷射定位儀
     How to find out the fitting laser positioning for your application ? 
    1. Working distance : As our laser positioning is usually for indoor use, the range of working distance is from 0.2m- 20 m. 
    2. Color :  Red is most common color for the application.  We have red, IR, green, purple blue, blue and white of laser positioning.
    3. Power of laser positioning:  When the power is stronger, the working distance is longer. Surely the light of laser positioning is also brigher.
    4. The light shape:  Currently we have 4 types of light shape as below .
    a) Line
    b) Cross
    c) spot
    d) grid

    1. 工作距離:我們的雷射定位儀 使用範圍為20-200 公分。 請依不同工作距離挑選適當功率的定位儀。 其標線才不會產生出不適合的粗細。
    2. 顏色: 我們雷射定位儀有紅色,紅外線,紫藍光,藍光,綠光及 白光,可供客人選擇 。
    3. 功率: 依應用及顏色,各有不同功率可供選擇及應用,紅光為最普遍的應用光色。
    4. 光型: 共有4種光型,點狀,線型,十字型及 田字型。

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    Our ragne of lenses ? 富田光電鏡頭的產品範圍?
    The product groups for the industrial lenses from Unilite as below. Welcome to contact with us.   富田光電擁有以下鏡頭產品類別,歡迎與我們連絡。
    1. FA LENSES 工業用鏡頭
    2. Machine Visions 機器視覺應用
    3. PinHole LENSES 針孔鏡頭
    4. CCTV  監控鏡頭
    5. Speical application as military or hunting o  metallurgy. 特殊應用如 軍用,夜用打獵 或是冶金 應用等等